About Vino Viaggio



Vino Viaggio is the brain child and life’s mission of 35-year wine industry veteran Lars Leicht. It is the culmination of a career that has included a range of roles taking him all over the world, but firmly grounded in Italy and Italian wine culture. 

Three decades of working with winemakers in the cellar and on the road, hundreds of winery tours and vineyard visits, dozens of trips with sommeliers and press, wine seminars, winemaker dinners, podcasts, copy writing and top level communications, educational programs and conferences uniquely position Vino Viaggio for all things related to Italian wine.

Vino Viaggio is a one-stop resource for the kind of insight, knowledge and network that few possess.

Here, wine lovers can find advice and insight as they negotiate the potentially intimidating world of wine; travel lusters will find a sherpa-like guide to the vineyards, wineries and eno=gastronomic temples around the world.; professionals can tap into a wealth of industry experience for consultation on all matters wine.

Best of all, Vino Viaggio is component based, flexible, mix-and-match; our most gratifying opportunity is to creatively meet your needs, solve your challenges, and obtain your goals.

This website outlines what Vino Viaggio has to offer; our blog, “Vernacular of the Viaggio,” serves up a combination of wine life journalism with unabashed story telling. 

We can’t wait to tell you our stories… but most importantly we hope to have the opportunity to help communicate yours!

Let’s start our virtual viaggio together. Buckle up: by way of autostrada or backroads, we will venture to beautiful places!